Homeopathic Treatments for Paralysis

Paralysis is a medical condition that is characterized with the complete loss of muscle function. Paralysis can affect only one muscle, or it can affect multiple muscles. Paralysis is most often caused by damage to the nervous system, and is especially common when there is damage to the spinal cord. Some of the more common causes of paralysis include trauma, nerve injury, stroke, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis and botulism. Although homeopathic remedies cannot cure paralysis, they can help to improve the condition and any accompanying symptoms. Homeopathic remedies described at this website work best when used along with any prescribed or recommended conventional treatments for paralysis given by a doctor.

Alumina and Mercurius for Paralysis

Alumina is a homeopathic remedy that works well for those that have paralysis that affects the lower extremities. This homeopathic treatment is especially helpful for those that have paralysis that is based on a condition that affects the spine. Those that will benefit from this homeopathic treatment tend to have paralysis that is accompanied with a heavy sensation of the legs that can make it difficult to walk or even stand up.

Mercurius works well for those that have paralysis that is associated with Parkinson’s disease. This homeopathic treatment is especially helpful for those that have paralysis that affects the face or the legs, but can be used for paralysis of any part of the body.

Cuprum and Causticum for Paralysis

Cuprum is a homeopathic remedy that works well for those that have paralysis that affects the upper extremities, usually affecting the fingers. This homeopathic treatment is especially helpful for those that have paralysis that is caused by multiple sclerosis, or fatty degeneration. This homeopathic treatment works best for those that have a cramping like discomfort that accompanies their paralysis.

Causticum can be used to help those with paralysis that was caused by exposure to cold weather. This homeopathic treatment works especially well for facial paralysis that was caused by long exposure to harsh, cold weather. Those that will benefit from this homeopathic treatment tend to have paralysis that affects only one part of the body, such as the face or the tongue. It’s also common for those that will benefit from this homeopathic treatment to have paralysis that remains after the underlying cause of the paralysis has been cured.

Paralysis is a serious medical condition. Although homeopathic treatments can be very beneficial for those that have paralysis, it’s always important to seek proper medical attention. Homeopathic treatments are also safe to be used along with any conventional treatments being used for paralysis.